7 Steps to Go Plant-Based
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If you’ve watched any of the plant-based documentaries floating around, like Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy or Game Changers, you’ve probably toyed with the idea of going vegetarian or vegan. Or perhaps you’ve heard others talk about how it makes them feel or been to one of the plant-based eateries popping up everywhere. But how do you actually go about turning plant-based? If you’re like I was, with lunch and dinner consisting of meat and veggies on the side, what on earth are you going to cook? Here are some easy steps you can take today on your journey towards plant-based eating.
7 Steps to Go Plant-Based
Write a Food Diary
If you’re going to play the game, you need to learn the rules. If you’re going to change your diet, you need to have an honest look at exactly what you’re eating. Make sure you’re totally honest, there doesn’t have to be any judgement here. If you’re snacking on a muffin every morning tea, a bag of chips after dinner or any other guilty pleasures, make sure you write them all down. No-one has to see this list but you. I’d definitely recommend writing it as you go throughout the day. It’s hard to remember what was for breakfast when we’re settling into bed for the evening. You can do it on a note in your phone or with a small notebook.
Once you’ve got a few days or a week written up, go back through and highlight everything that has animal products. If you’re more interested in cutting out just meat, rather all animal products, then just do that.
Start with Easy Wins
I love coffee. I don’t function particularly well without it. But, do I need to have milk in it? Turns out, no. Switching from a flat white to a cappuccino to a long black is one of the few permanent moves I’ve made towards being plant-based. And these days, you don’t even have to drop the milk. Try oat, almond, coconut, soy, macadamia… the list is endless!
This is a great example of an easy win for me. I gave up an animal product without feeling like I was missing out on anything. Perhaps it’s switching your Saturday night burger patties for Beyond Meat ones or having fewer eggs for breakfast. When you’ve got a whole week’s worth of meals laid out in front of you, you’re likely to see some changes you can make.
One Step at A Time
Now, I know some people would disagree with this approach. They love the idea of clearing everything out of the cupboard and declaring, NEVER AGAIN! That’s great for them. For me, a much slower and more gentle pace is a better idea. Pick a favourite meal or a recipe you’ve been wanting to try and start there. Maybe do Meatless Monday’s. I’ve tried plant-based until dinner time. Taking steps in the right direction is making progress. I find that if I go too big early, I’ll hit hurdles that throw me off and then I quit. Find a process that works for you.
Dining Out
When I first starting going vegetarian, I was a terrible cook. So cooking anything vegetarian was way too hard. So instead, I decided that whenever I ate out, I’d eat vegetarian. This meant I got to sample a wide variety of vegetarian foods that I could start to think about creating at home. I’ve found most restaurants will have at least one vegetarian-friendly option, cafes (especially for brunch) usually have so many options but bakeries can be a bit of a disappointment.
Not sure where to go? There are so many great vegetarian options at Italian, Indian and Thai restaurants. Go for a margarita pizza, a palak paneer or a veggie pad thai. Or, try a plant-based eatery if there’s one near you.
It’s Not All or Nothing
A lot of people say they’d go vegetarian, except they love bacon. Or cheese for plant-based wannabes. I get it, I’m completely vegetarian, but there’s a block of blue cheese with my name on it. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make a vegan chickpea omelette for breakfast tomorrow. If you stumble, struggle, accidentally order the wrong thing, have a craving, forget or just really don’t like anything on the menu, don’t give up completely! We don’t need a world of vegans to make a difference to the planet. We need a whole lot of people cutting back their animal product intake. Some a lot, some a little, some just ditching dairy, some going fully plant-based.
In saying that, I find knowing where the hard-line in the sand is makes decision making easier for me. When I’m going to order or cook, I know there’s not going to be any meat in there. When I get offered a plate of smoked salmon, I know I’m going to say no. There’s an emotional toll every time we have to make a decision, leading to decision fatigue if we have to make too many. For me, I like to keep things simple, so I know I don’t have to be making that decision all the time. But remember, there’s a balance to be found between hard-lines and being easy on yourself.
Consume Content
I have some absolutely fantastic plant-based cookbooks. I follow some vegans on Instagram. I’ve watched plant-based meal-prep videos on YouTube. Check out Jamie Oliver’s vegetarian television series. There’s some much beautiful, healthy, interesting, exotic and traditional food out there, in so many different places. If you’re looking for some inspiration of what to try and cook, head to your favourite platform and see what’s on there.
Final Note
I hope that you find something in here that will help you on your journey to being a little bit more vegetarian, or completely plant-based. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, it’s about us all, collectively, treading a little lighter on this earth. So whether it’s just giving up milk in your coffee or going plant-based half the week, I hope this helps you. Let me know below if you’ve tried any of these steps and how you found them.